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Índices da colecção de leis manuscritas da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa : 2 de Janeiro de 1579-19 de Dezembro de 1640 de coord. Isabel Graes; selec. dos textos e elab. dos índices Isabel Graes, Raquel Delgado; análise paleográfica Pedro Pinto"Com base no conjunto documental de manuscritos e impressos que constitui a Colecção Pereira e Sousa-Mendonça Cortês, existente no Fundo de Reservados da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, foi publicado, em 2021, o primeiro volume dos Índices da Colecção de Leis Manuscritas. Terminada mais uma fase do referido trabalho, é dado à estampa o segundo volume que contempla o período de 2 de Janeiro de 1579 a 19 de Dezembro de 1640 que corresponde, maioritariamente, ao domínio político filipino, cujo primeiro documento diz respeito a um alvará dirigido aos cidadãos de Lisboa pelo Cardeal-Rei e o último a uma lei que proibia a ida de qualquer pessoa do Reino para Castela sem licença régia, sob pena de morte (doc. n.º 59451). Ainda a propósito deste último documento, entendemos dever especificar que se trata de um fantasma2, termo técnico para um documento que remete para outra localização onde lhe é atribuída a cota PRAX. 17 P. 123. A este respeito, recordamos que alguns dos documentos impressos dentro da colecção Pereira e Sousa-Mendonça Cortês, por motivo da sua raridade tipográfica, foram destacados para a colecção de impressos da Biblioteca. Como apenas em 2013, a verdadeira identidade da colecção e dos seus intervenientes foi identificada, respeitou-se essa mudança conforme veio a ser consagrado no Catálogo de Impressos editado em 2003. (...)"
Ius Quaesitum Tertio de Eltjo J. H. Schrage (Editor)This volume is the third one in a series of publications composed by (more or less) the same academic working group. It follows the publications "Unjust Enrichment: The Comparative Legal History of the Law of Restitution" (1995, 2nd edition 1999 ) and "Negligence: The Comparative Legal History of the Law of Torts" (2001
Cartas entre Marcello Caetano e Laureano López Rodó : uma amizade com história de Paulo Miguel Martins; pref. Helena MatosA correspondência trocada entre dois amigos, Marcello Caetano (1906-1980) e Laureano López-Rodó (1920-2000), ministro de Franco e protagonista do processo de transição espanhola, que reflecte muito da história dos dois países e que retrata as angústias e as descrenças destes dois homens que tiveram um papel decisivo na história ibérica.
«Bastavam duas cartas para este livro fazer sentido. A mais impressionante delas, ou pelo menos a que mais me impressionou, foi escrita por Marcello Caetano, no Rio de Janeiro, a 6 de Maio de 1979. Trata da fé e revela um Marcello Caetano em que a franqueza é o resultado de uma longa e dolorosa reflexão: “Perdi a fé e não há nada a fazer. (…) Entre as razões que me levaram a ocultar largos anos a minha crise estava o terror – digo bem: o terror – de influenciar alguém no mesmo sentido.(…)” A outra carta é de Laureano López Rodó e foi escrita dois anos antes, a 24 de Junho de 1977. Se Marcello descria de Deus e da Igreja, Laureano desconfia dos homens – “Vejo-me lutando ‘sozinho perante o perigo’. Vamos ver se conseguimos que prevaleça a razão diante desta loucura colectiva.” – e sobretudo não confia no homem: “Ontem estive com o Rei” (…) “estamos com efeito, a resvalar por um plano inclinado que, se Deus não o remedeia, levar-nos-á ao socialismo e ao caos.”» Helena Matos, in Prefácio
Respondeat Superior de Hartmut WickeVor dem Hintergrund der Europäisierung des Privatrechts untersucht Hartmut Wicke die Problematik der außervertraglichen Gehilfenhaftung auf historischer und rechtsvergleichender Grundlage.Seit alters her gibt es neben einer Einstandspflicht für eigenes Fehlverhalten auch eine Verantwortlichkeit für Delikte anderer Personen. Während im römischen Recht der pater familias grundsätzlich für sämtliche Delikte seiner Sklaven und Hauskinder aufkommen mußte (sich aber durch Auslieferung des Schädigers von seiner Haftung befreien konnte), findet sich in den modernen europäischen Rechtsordnungen die Figur einer funktional begrenzten Gehilfenhaftung als charakteristisches Strukturprinzip: Danach müssen Geschäftsherren für ihre Angestellten einstehen, wenn diese "in Ausführung der Verrichtung", "in the course of employment" oder "dans les fonctions auxquelles ils les ont employés" gehandelt haben. Dieser Ansatz wurde auf der Schwelle zum 18. Jahrhundert in einem europaweiten Prozeß kollektiver Rechtsfindung durch Generalisierung einiger römischer Sondertatbestände gewonnen. Hierin war auch das englische Recht eingebunden, das sich insoweit daher nicht in "nobler Isolation" befunden hat.Die Untersuchung der Mischrechtsordnung Südafrikas (die als Folge historischer Zufälligkeiten aus einer Synthese von kontinentaleuropäischem ius commune, in seiner römisch-holländischen Gestalt, und englischem common law entstanden ist) zeigt Aspekte auf, die bei einem Zusammenwachsen der römischen und englischen Rechtsfamilie in einer künftigen europäischen Rechtsordnung für die Gehilfenhaftung relevant werden könnten.
Cota: A05-1002
ISBN: 3-428-10139-1
Data: 2000-07-26
Volksgesetzbuch de Werner Schubert (Editor); Werner Schmid (Editor); Jürgen Regge (Editor)Frontmatter -- Vorwort -- Inhalt -- Einleitung -- Quellen Zum Volksgesetzbuch -- Teil I. Teilentwürfe Zu Einem Volksgesetzbuch -- Anhang Zum Entwurf Des Volksgesetzbuchs -- Teil II. Texte Zur Vorgeschichte, Entstehung Und Zum Umfang Des Volksgesetzbuchs (1937-1944) -- Teil III. Vorträge, Aufsätze Und Arbeitsberichte Zum Volksgesetzbuch -- Personen- Und Sachregister
Sovereign Virtue de Ronald DworkinEquality is the endangered species of political ideals. Even left-of-center politicians reject equality as an ideal: government must combat poverty, they say, but need not strive that its citizens be equal in any dimension. In his new book Ronald Dworkin insists, to the contrary, that equality is the indispensable virtue of democratic sovereignty. A legitimate government must treat all its citizens as equals, that is, with equal respect and concern, and, since the economic distribution that any society achieves is mainly the consequence of its system of law and policy, that requirement imposes serious egalitarian constraints on that distribution. What distribution of a nation's wealth is demanded by equal concern for all? Dworkin draws upon two fundamental humanist principles--first, it is of equal objective importance that all human lives flourish, and second, each person is responsible for defining and achieving the flourishing of his or her own life--to ground his well-known thesis that true equality means equality in the value of the resources that each person commands, not in the success he or she achieves. Equality, freedom, and individual responsibility are therefore not in conflict, but flow from and into one another as facets of the same humanist conception of life and politics. Since no abstract political theory can be understood except in the context of actual and complex political issues, Dworkin develops his thesis by applying it to heated contemporary controversies about the distribution of health care, unemployment benefits, campaign finance reform, affirmative action, assisted suicide, and genetic engineering.
Political Liberalism de John RawlsRevising and continuing the idea of justice and fairness in A Theory of Justice,Rawls poses the question of how a stable and just society of free and equal citizens can live in concord when deeply divided by reasonable and incompatible doctrines. With its distinctive form of liberalism----resting on an idea of free public reason---- Political Liberalismyields new insights into the question of justice in our pluralistic society.
Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory de Neil MacCormickThis study focuses on current jurisprudential debate between the "positivist" views of Herbert Hart and the "rights thesis" of Ronald Dworkin. MacCormick provides a critical analysis of the Dworkin position while also modifying Hart's. It stands firmly on its own as a contribution to an extensive literature.
Cota: D01-163
ISBN: 0198760809
Data: 1979-01-18
The Concept of a Legal System de Joseph RazWhat does it mean to assert or deny the existence of a legal system? How can one determine whether a given law belongs to a certain legal system? What kind of structure do these systems have, that is--what necessary relations obtain between their laws? The examination of these problems in this volume leads to a new approach to traditional jurisprudential question, though the conclusions are based on a critical appraisal, particularly those of Bentham, Austin, Kelsen, and Hart.
Ethics in the Public Domain de Joseph RazThis new collection of essays opens with a pivotal essay, not previously published, on the implications of the moral duties which arise out of concern for the well-being of others. The first part of the book concentrates on the consequences of two central aspects of well-being: the importanceof membership in groups - the role of belonging - and the active character of well-being - that it largely consists in successful activities. Both aspects have far-reaching political implications, explored in essays on free expression, national self-determination, and multiculturalism, among others.Against the background of the moral and political views developed in the first part, the second part of the book explores various aspects of the dynamic inter-relations between law and morality, offering some building blocks towards a theory of law.
Gesetzgeber' und Rechtsanwendung de Christian Baldus (Editor); Frank Theisen (Editor); Friederike Vogel (Editor)Der Gesetzgeber" ist eine Fiktion. Die Bildung seines "Willens" stellt einen komplexen Prozess dar, der weit uber den Kreis der Parlamentsabgeordneten hinausgeht. Was folgt daraus fur die Auslegung der Gesetze? Methodenlehre muss verstarkt fragen, was die an der Gesetzgebung Beteiligten selbst denken. Das gilt auch fur die, die in traditioneller rechtsquellentheoretischer Betrachtung lediglich Vorarbeit leisten, von den Mitarbeitern der Abgeordneten uber die Ministerien bis hin zu Aussenstehenden, die auf Gesetzgebungsverfahren Einfluss nehmen. Im Wissen und in den Vorstellungen dieser Personen liegt Erkenntnispotential. Wird dieses Potential mit der traditionellen Aussage hinlanglich erfasst, der Interpret musse auch die Materialien konsultieren? Der Band dokumentiert ein Gesprach zwischen Praktikern und Universitatsjuristen namentlich uber den Blick der "faktischen Gesetzgeber" auf die spateren Normanwender. Mit Beitragen von: Christian Baldus, Walter Fischedick, Andreas Funke, Stefanie Jung, Peter Krebs, Lena Kunz, Ralph Alexander Lorz, Bernd Mertens, Christian Meyer-Seitz, Thomas Raff, Tim Maxian Rusche, Stefan Schneider, Frank Theisen, Chris Thomale
Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy de Richard A. PosnerA liberal state is a representative democracy constrained by the rule of law. Richard Posner argues for a conception of the liberal state based on pragmatic theories of government. He views the actions of elected officials as guided by interests rather than by reason and the decisions of judges by discretion rather than by rules. He emphasizes the institutional and material, rather than moral and deliberative, factors in democratic decision making. Posner argues that democracy is best viewed as a competition for power by means of regular elections. Citizens should not be expected to play a significant role in making complex public policy regarding, say, taxes or missile defense. The great advantage of democracy is not that it is the rule of the wise or the good but that it enables stability and orderly succession in government and limits the tendency of rulers to enrich or empower themselves to the disadvantage of the public. Posner's theory steers between political theorists' concept of deliberative democracy on the left and economists' public-choice theory on the right. It makes a significant contribution to the theory of democracy--and to the theory of law as well, by showing that the principles that inform Schumpeterian democratic theory also inform the theory and practice of adjudication. The book argues for law and democracy as twin halves of a pragmatic theory of American government.
Cota: D01-745
ISBN: 0674018494
Data: 2005-10-31
Frontiers of Legal Theory de Richard A. PosnerThe most exciting development in legal thinking since World War II has been the growth of interdisciplinary legal studies--the application of the social sciences and the humanities to law in the hope of making law less formalistic, more practical, better grounded empirically, bettered tailored to social goals. Judge Richard A. Posner has been a leader in this movement, and his new book explores its rapidly expanding frontier. The book examines five principal areas or directions of interdisciplinary study: economics, history, psychology, the epistemology of law and the empirical study of law. These approaches are seen to interpenetrate and to compose a coherent body of legal theory--a unified framework for understanding such seemingly disparate phenomena as the economics of free speech, the intellectual history of economic analysis of law, the relation between income and liberty, the law of possession, the psychology of legal decisionmaking, the role of emotion in law, and the use of citation analysis to evaluate judges and law professors. The book carries on Posner's project of analyzing the law as an institution of social governance.
Cota: D01-746
ISBN: 0674013603
Data: 2001-03-01
Valor, respeito e apego de Joseph RazJoseph Raz é um dos principais nomes da Filosofia do Direito em todo o mundo. Nas suas Conferências Seeley, ele expõe as suas reflexões críticas sobre um dos princípios fundamentais do pensamento ético, o ponto de vista de que os valores são universais. Como pode ser assim, se as propriedades valorativas são histórica ou socialmente dependentes? Raz conclui que devemos tentar entender o que está e o que não está implicado na universalidade dos valores, a par de uma compreensão vital da esperança da humanidade, em vez de a desacreditarmos completamente. Trata-se de uma exposição concisa, vigorosa e tocantemente humana de algumas questões fundamentais da existência social, iluminada com exemplos tirados de uma extensa gama de fontes
Cota: D01-747
ISBN: 853362011X
Data: 2004
Practical Reason and Norms de Joseph RazPractical Reason and Norms focuses on three problems: In what way are rules normative, and how do they differ from ordinary reasons? What makes normative systems systematic? What distinguishes legal systems, and in what consists their normativity? All three questions are answered by takingreasons as the basic normative concept, and showing the distinctive role reasons have in every case, thus paving the way to a unified account of normativity.Rules are a structure of reasons to perform the required act and an exclusionary reason not to follow some competing reasons. Exclusionary reasons are explained, and used to unlock the secrets of orders, promises, and decisions as well as rules. Games are used to exemplify normative systems.Inevitably, the analysis extends to some aspects of normative discourse, which is truth-apt, but with a diminished assertoric force.
Cota: D01-748
ISBN: 0198268343
Data: 1999-12-16
From Normativity to Responsibility de Joseph RazWhat are our duties or rights? How should we act? What are we responsible for? How do we determine the answers to these questions? Joseph Raz examines and explains the philosophical issues underlying these everyday quandaries. He explores the nature of normativity - namely, the fact that webelieve and feel we should behave in certain ways, the reasoning behind certain beliefs and emotions, and various basic features of making decisions about what to do. He goes on to consider when we are responsible for our actions and omissions, and offers a novel account of responsibility.We can think of responsibility for unjustified actions or attitudes as a precondition of the blameworthiness of a person for an attitude or an action, or perhaps for a whole set of actions, intentions, or beliefs. Responsibility for justified actions or attitudes may be a precondition ofpraiseworthiness. Either way responsibility may point to further consequences of being justified or unjustified, rational or not. But crucially, responsibility attaches to people in a more holistic way. Some people are responsible for their actions, while others are not. In this way, Raz argues thatthe end is in the beginning, in understanding how people are subject to normativity, namely how it is that there are reasons addressed to them, and what is the meaning of that for our being in the world.
Ronald Dworkin de Stephen Guest; general ed. William Twining, Neil MacCormickThe second edition of Stephen Guest's important study of this seminal thinker. Fully updated and with substantial additional material, this is a lucid and comprehensive introduction and critical assessment of Dworkin's prolific contributions to legal and political philosophy.
Divergent Paths de Richard A. PosnerJudges and legal scholars talk past one another, if they have any conversation at all. Academics couch their criticisms of judicial decisions in theoretical terms, which leads many judges--at the risk of intellectual stagnation--to dismiss most academic discourse as opaque and divorced from reality. In Divergent Paths, Richard Posner turns his attention to this widening gap within the legal profession, reflecting on its causes and consequences and asking what can be done to close or at least narrow it. The shortcomings of academic legal analysis are real, but they cannot disguise the fact that the modern judiciary has several serious deficiencies that academic research and teaching could help to solve or alleviate. In U.S. federal courts, which is the focus of Posner's analysis of the judicial path, judges confront ever more difficult cases, many involving complex and arcane scientific and technological distinctions, yet continue to be wedded to legal traditions sometimes centuries old. Posner asks how legal education can be made less theory-driven and more compatible with the present and future demands of judging and lawyering. Law schools, he points out, have great potential to promote much-needed improvements in the judiciary, but doing so will require significant changes in curriculum, hiring policy, and methods of educating future judges. If law schools start to focus more on practical problems facing the American legal system rather than on debating its theoretical failures, the gulf separating the academy and the judiciary will narrow.
Playing by the Rules de Frederick SchauerThis is a philosophical but non-technical analysis of the very idea of a rule. Although focused somewhat on the role of rules in the legal system, it is also relevant to the place of rules in morality, religion, etiquette, games, language, and family governance. In both explaining the idea ofa rule and making the case for taking rules seriously, the book is a departure both in scope and in perspective from anything that now exists.
Cota: D01-760
ISBN: 0198258313
Data: 1993 - Reimp. 2002
The Autonomy of Law de Robert P. George (Editor)This collection of original essays from distinguished legal philosophers offers a challenging assessment of the nature and viability of legal positivism, an approach to legal theory that continues to dominate contemporary legal theoretical debates. To what extent is the law adequatelydescribed as autonomous? Should legal theorists maintain a conceptual separation of law and morality? These and other questions are addressed by the authors of this carefully edited collection, which will be of interest to all lawyers and scholars interested in legal philosophy.
Cota: D01-761
ISBN: 0198267908
Data: 1996 - Reimp. 2005
Institutions of Law de Neil MacCormickInstitutions of Law offers an original account of the nature of law and legal systems in the contemporary world. It provides the definitive statement of Sir Neil MacCormick's well-known 'institutional theory of law', defining law as 'institutional normative order' and explaining each of thesethree terms in depth. It attempts to fulfil the need for a twenty-first century introduction to legal theory marking a fresh start such as was achieved in the last century by H. L. A. Hart's The Concept of Law.It is written with a view to elucidating law, legal concepts and legal institutions in a manner that takes account of current scholarly controversies but does not get bogged down in them. It shows how law relates to the state and civil society, establishing the conditions of social peace and afunctioning economy. In so doing, it takes account of recent developments in the sociology of law, particularly 'system theory'. It also seeks to clarify the nature of claims to 'knowledge of law' and thus indicate the possibility of legal studies having a genuinely 'scientific' character. It showsthat there is an essential value-orientation of all work of this kind, so that valid analytical jurisprudence not merely need not, but cannot, be 'positivist' as that term has come to be understood. Nevertheless it is explained why law and morality are genuinely distinct by virtue of the positivecharacter of law contrasted with the autonomy that is foundational for morality.
Cota: D01-762
ISBN: 9780199535439
Data: 2008-04-15
Law, Language, and Legal Determinacy de Brian BixLaw, Language, and Legal Determinancy discusses the role of language within law, and the role of philosophy of language in understanding the nature of law. The book argues that the major re-thinking of the common and `common sense' views about law that have been proposed by various recentlegal theorists are unnecessary.
Cota: D01-763
ISBN: 0198260504
Data: 1993 - Reimp. 2003
Explaining the Normative de Stephen P. TurnerNormativity is what gives reasons their force, makes words meaningful, and makes rules and laws binding. It is present whenever we use such terms as 'correct,' 'ought,' 'must,' and the language of obligation, responsibility, and logical compulsion. Yet normativists, the philosophers committed to this idea, admit that the idea of a non-causal normative realm and a body of normative objects is spooky. Explaining the Normative is the first systematic, historically grounded critique of normativism. It identifies the standard normativist pattern of argument, and shows how this pattern depends on circularities, assumptions about the unique correctness of preferred descriptions, problematic transcendental arguments, and regress arguments that end in mysteries. The book considers in detail a paradigm case: legal normativity as constructed by Hans Kelsen. This case exemplifies the problems with normativist arguments. But it also shows how normativism was constructed as an alternative to ordinary social science explanation. The normativist argument is that social science explanations themselves are forced to rely on normative conceptsÑminimally, on normative rationality and on a normative view of 'concepts' themselves. Empathic understanding of the reasoning and meanings of others, however, can solve the regress problems about meaning and rationality that are central to the appeal of normativism. This account has no need for a parallel normative world, and has a surprising and revealing lineage in the history of philosophy, as well as a basis in neuroscience.
Cota: D01-764
ISBN: 9781316534861
Data: 2010-05-10
Practical Reason in Law and Morality de Neil MacCormickThe concept of practical reason is central to contemporary thought on ethics and the philosophy of law - acting well means acting for good reasons. Explaining this requires several stages. How do reasons relate to actions at all, as incentives and in explanations? What are values, how do theyrelate to human nature, and how do they enter practical reasoning? How do the concepts of 'right and wrong' fit in, and in what way do they involve questions of mutual trust among human beings? How does our moral freedom - our freedom to form our own moral commitments - relate to ourresponsibilities to each other? How is this final question transposed into law and legal commitments?This book explores these questions, vital to understanding the nature of law and morality. It presents a clear account of practical reason, valuable to students of moral philosophy and jurisprudence at undergraduate or postgraduate levels. For more advanced scholars it also offers areinterpretation of Kant's views on moral autonomy and Smith's on self-command, marrying Smith's 'moral sentiments' to Kant's 'categorical imperative' in a novel way.The book concludes and underpins the author's Law, State and Practical Reason series. Taken together the books offer an overarching theory of the nature of law and legal reason, the role of the State, and the nature of moral reason and judgement.
Cota: D01-765
ISBN: 9780198268772
Data: 2008
Rhetoric and the Rule of Law de Neil MacCormickIs legal reasoning rationally persuasive, working within a discernible structure and using recognisable kinds of arguments? Does it belong to rhetoric in this sense, or to the domain of the merely 'rhetorical' in an adversative sense? Is there any reasonable certainty about legal outcomes indispute-situations? If not, what becomes of the Rule of Law? Neil MacCormick's book tackles these questions in establishing an overall theory of legal reasoning which shows the essential part 'legal syllogism' plays in reasoning aimed at the application of law, while acknowledging that simpledeductive reasoning, though always necessary, is very rarely sufficient to justify a decision.There are always problems of relevancy, classification or interpretation in relation to both facts and law. In justifying conclusions about such problems, reasoning has to be universalistic and yet fully sensitive to the particulars of specific cases. How is this possible? Is legal justificationat this level consequentialist in character or principled and right-based?Both normative coherence and narrative coherence have a part to play in justification, and in accounting for the validity of arguments by analogy. Looking at such long-discussed subjects as precedent and analogy and the interpretative character of the reasoning involved, Neil MacCormick expandsupon his celebrated Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory (OUP 1978 and 1994) and restates his 'institutional theory of law'.
Deontic Logic and Legal Systems de Pablo E. Navarro; Jorge L. RodríguezA considerable number of books and papers have analyzed normative concepts using new techniques developed by logicians; however, few have bridged the gap between the English legal culture and the Continental (i.e. European and Latin American) tradition in legal philosophy. This book addresses this issue by offering an introductory study on the many possibilities that logical analysis offers the study of legal systems. The volume is divided into two sections: the first covers the basic aspects of classical and deontic logic and its connections, advancing an explanation of the most important topics of the discipline by comparing different systems of deontic logic and exploring some of the most important paradoxes in its domain. The second section deals with the role of logic in the analysis of legal systems by discussing in what sense deontic logic and the logic of norm-propositions are useful tools for a proper understanding of the systematic structure of law.
Wendepunkte der Rechtswissenschaft : Aspekte des Rechts in der Moderne de hrsg. von Werner Heun und Frank SchorkopfAuch die Rechtswissenschaft ist durch grundlegende Paradigmenwechsel gekennzeichnet. Selbst wenn diese lange zurückliegen, wirken sie teilweise bis heute nach. Das Recht steht in einer stetigen Spannung zwischen Tradition und Innovation, zwischen Beharrung und Fortschritt, die in den Rechtsgebieten unterschiedlich aufgelöst wird. Die Beiträge, entstanden aus einer Vorlesungsreihe zur Feier des 275-jährigen Bestehens der Universität Göttingen, reflektieren sachlich und biografisch die Rolle der Rechtswissenschaft in der Entwicklung aufgeklärten Denkens. Es geht um den historischen Beitrag der Göttinger Rechtswissenschaft zum allgemeinen Rechtsdenken in der Moderne
Parteiautonomie de Joachim PülsDie Parteiautonomie im internationalen Schuldvertragsrecht, also die Möglichkeit der Vertragsschließenden, das auf ihre Vertragsbeziehungen anwendbare Recht selbst zu bestimmen, ist im Schnittpunkt des materiellen und internationalen Privatrechts angesiedelt. Zur Rechtfertigung der Lehre von der Parteiautonomie wurde auch auf philosophische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte zurückgegriffen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden daher der Begriff der Autonomie sowie deren philosophische und sozio-ökonomische Grundlagen, soweit sie für das deutsche Privatrecht des 19. Jahrhunderts maßgeblich sind, untersucht. Die Entstehung des "Schwellenbereichs" zwischen den beiden Arten der Parteiautonomie, die heute als materiellrechtliche und kollisionsrechtliche Rechtswahl bekannt sind, wird in einem zweiten Teil näher untersucht. Die Lehre von der Parteiautonomie ist dabei vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung des "ordre public" im 19. Jahrhundert zu sehen: Indem die Lehre diesem Institut schärfere Konturen im Rahmen des internationalen Privatrechts verlieh, konnte sich der Parteiwille von den Fesseln des zwingenden nationalen Rechts zunehmend befreien. Dabei wird auch die Rolle von Rechtsprechung und Gesetzgebungsvorhaben berücksichtigt. Neben einem primär positivistischen Verständnis der kollisionsrechtlichen Rechtswahl, das zunächst der tragende Pfeiler bei der Überwindung der Theorie einer rein materiellrechtlichen Rechtswahl war, ist die Berücksichtigung der anthropozentrischen Interessen angesichts der Bedeutung der Parteiautonomie unverzichtbar. Diese tiefere Grundlegung spiegelt auch der Wandel des Parteiwillens vom bloßen Anknüpfungselement im Rahmen der "Lokalisierung" von Schuldverträgen hin zu einem vielschichtigen Gestaltungsfaktor im Rechtsanwendungsrecht wider und ist Gegenstand des dritten Teils der Arbeit. Die Diversifikation des Parteiwillens und die Verlagerung der Schrankenproblematik sind die dogmatischen Ausdrucksformen dieses Funktionswandels, dem die Parteiautonomie im internationalen Schuldvertragsrecht unterliegt.
La fideiussione de Giuseppe BozziL'opera presenta una trattazione molto meticolosa e approfondita di tutti gli strumenti previsti dall'ordinamento a favore del creditore per tutelare la sua posizione e la pretesa all'esecuzione della prestazione, ed in particolare sull'istituto della fideiussione. Gli Autori concentrano l'analisi sulla ricostruzione del regime giuridico delle fattispecie espressamente delineate dal codice per poi soffermarsi su uno studio di quelle figure considerate atipiche
A proteção patrimonial nas relações conjugais e paraconjugais : a necessidade de um novo paradigma [texto policopiado] de Sofia Henriques; orient. Miguel Fernando Pessanha Teixeira de SousaEsta tese faz um estudo analítico da atual proteção patrimonial conferida ao cônjuge e ao unido de facto, visando questionar a necessidade de construção de um novo paradigma em termos patrimoniais. A visão será transversal, abrangendo quer o direito da família, quer o direito sucessório, em Portugal e nos ordenamentos jurídicos estrangeiros mais próximos do nosso. Após a análise da estrutura das situações jurídico-familiares de comunhão plena de vida, quando projetadas para a constituição de uma família, entendida esta como a concretização de um projeto de vida em comum – em especial as relações conjugais e paraconjugais, aborda-se a proteção patrimonial atribuída a cada tipo de relacionamento, em vida do casal (quer durante a vigência do relacionamento, quer após a sua rutura), para posteriormente se debruçar sobre a proteção patrimonial pós-morte em cada tipo de relacionamento. Analisada a problemática da cristalização da autonomia da vontade durante o relacionamento, e após concluir pela crise do atual paradigma da proteção patrimonial nas relações conjugais e paraconjugais e apurada a urgência da sua superação, ensaia-se uma nova conceção patrimonial da família, através da construção de um novo paradigma de regulação. O principal objetivo da presente tese é determinar qual a relevância que a autonomia da vontade deverá ter neste campo versus o nível de interferência legislativa. Efetivamente, o nosso legislador regula, cada vez mais de forma imperativa, as diferentes vertentes que pode assumir um relacionamento, com a justificação da proteção do membro mais fraco do relacionamento, apesar de se tratar de uma área com uma grande vertente afetiva. Analisaremos os atuais limites à autonomia da vontade em sede de regime patrimonial da família, em especial nos regimes de bens, no estatuto patrimonial primário e na proteção patrimonial conferida ao unido de facto, passando pela crise dos relacionamentos, aí refletindo sobre as consequências patrimoniais do divórcio e da rutura da união de facto, bem como os limites à expressão da vontade na sucessão. Como novo paradigma, quanto ao casamento, defende-se a separação de bens como regime supletivo e a abolição do princípio da imutabilidade, permitindo-se a alteração do regime de bens na vigência do casamento; quanto ao regime patrimonial primário, consideramos que o mesmo deve perder a sua injuntividade, permitindo-se aos cônjuges a construção do regime patrimonial que regerá os seus bens, sempre com a proteção dos direitos de terceiros. Em caso de rutura, advogamos a possibilidade dos cônjuges definirem os efeitos patrimoniais do divórcio por acordo; em caso de desacordo, a culpa deverá ser apreciada exclusivamente para efeitos patrimoniais, onde deverá ter reflexos. Por morte, exclui-se o cônjuge de herdeiro legitimário, mas assegurando-lhe sempre a proteção da casa de morada de família e do respetivo recheio e a posição de herdeiro legítimo; defende-se a bondade dos pactos renunciativos entre os cônjuges. Em suma, o novo paradigma assenta numa flexibilização do casamento, com uma ampliação da autonomia privada a todas as matérias que não ponham em causa os interesses dos cônjuges e de terceiros. No que toca à união de facto, consideramos desnecessária a sua tutela de forma injuntiva. Os interessados deverão ter a liberdade de se excluírem da aplicação dos efeitos patrimoniais resultantes da união de facto, quando assim o entendam, por ato autêntico. Em caso de rutura e em caso de morte, a proteção a assegurar deve ser mínima e supletiva, podendo ser afastada pelo autor da sucessão. No que respeita à casa de morada de família e respetivo recheio, deverão ser tidas em conta as necessidades do unido de facto sobrevivo. Sempre que existam descendentes do falecido, deverá o legislador ter especial cautela, e assegurar a melhor forma de dirimir esse conflito de interesses
Perspektiven der Minderjährigenadoption de Andreas BotthofJedes fursorgebedurftige Kind soll in einer Familie aufwachsen. Diese sozialpolitische Zielsetzung wird vom geltenden deutschen Adoptionsrecht verfehlt. Es orientiert sich an der Vorstellung "leiblicher" Elternschaft und beharrt auf einer "Wiedergeburt" des Kindes in der Adoptivfamilie. Beide Konzepte sind nicht mehr zeitgemass. Auf der Basis neuester sozialwissenschaftlicher und rechtsvergleichender Erkenntnisse entwirft Andreas Botthof eine gesetzgeberische Reaktion, die den gesellschaftlichen Veranderungen Rechnung tragt. Im Zentrum seiner Uberlegungen steht das Kindeswohl. Es sollte auch den Mittelpunkt des internationalen Adoptionsrechts bilden. In Deutschland beweist eine Unzahl strittiger Gerichtsentscheidungen zum Status auslandischer Adoptionen, dass die juristische Praxis um einen einheitlichen Massstab ringt. In diesem Spannungsfeld von Kindeswohl und Generalpravention liegt eine grosse Herausforderung fur die Rechtspolitik. Auf der Grundlage einer differenzierten Auswahl von Fallbeispielen entwickelt der Autor uberzeugende Handlungsoptionen.
Familienrecht de Tobias FröschleDas Werk vermittelt die Grundzuge des Familienrechts und gibt Hinweise fur eine weiterfuhrende Vertiefung seiner einzelnen Rechtsinstitute. Aus dem Eherecht werden das Eheschliessungs- und das Ehescheidungsrecht ausfuhrlich behandelt, der Guterstand und weitere Scheidungsfolgen im Uberblick. Aus dem Kindschaftsrecht werden das Recht der Abstammung und der elterlichen Sorge in ihren Grundzugen erlautert. Die 2. Auflage berucksichtigt vor allem die jungsten Gesetzesanderungen im Sorge- und Umgangsrecht. Die beiliegende CD enthalt eine Horfassung des Buchinhalts (MP3), wichtige Entscheidungen zu den in Buch behandelten Themen sowie weiterfuhrende Informationen zu einigen im Buch nur angedeuteten Themen, interaktive Falle und einen Multiple-Choice-Test.
Readings in Family Law de Frederica K. LombardThese readings have been specifically selected to further the reader's understanding of family law and legal issues in divorce. The text serves as an excellent facilitator for thought-provoking classroom discussions. You'll also find a discussion of some intriguing new solutions for old problems. Other topics include effects of divorce on partners and children and economic realities.
Cota: D0204-1064
ISBN: 0882777874
Data: 1990-01-01
Direito da família e das sucessões : relatório... [Texto policopiado] de Carlos Pamplona Corte-RealRelatório apresentado no concurso para professor associado da faculdade de Direito de Lisboa (DR, II Série, nº 235, de 11/09/94), nos termos do artigo 44º, nº 2, do estatuto da carreira docente universitária, e relativo ao programa, conteúdo e métodos de ensino da disciplina de Direito da família e das sucessões
Crédito compensatório e alimentos pós-divórcio de Paula Távora VítorO presente estudo debruça-se sobre o crédito compensatório e os alimentos pós-divórcio e pretende constituir um contributo para a compreensão destas figuras, do seu fundamento, do seu regime e do seu posicionamento, enquanto dois pólos de um sistema de resposta às condições económicas adversas que surgem para um dos cônjuges associadas ao divórcio. Para realizarmos a análise nos termos em que nos propusemos, dividimos o nosso estudo em seis capítulos e, em cada capítulo, tratámos paralelamente dos mesmos aspectos (pressupostos, fundamento e a natureza, montante, sujeitos, questões processuais, cumprimentos, modificação e cessação) relativamente às figuras do crédito compensatório e dos alimentos pós-divórcio
Il procedimento d'ingiunzione de a cura di Edoardo Garbagnati; pref. di Claudio ConsoloUn tema classico, quello del procedimento d'ingiunzione, ma di grandissima applicazione pratica, è l'oggetto di questa "storica" monografia. A circa vent'anni dalla prima, quest.edizione è totalmente aggiornata alla luce dei vari interventi normativi (il processo civile è radicalmente cambiato), le varie riforme, infatti, hanno inciso in modo diretto o indiretto, sul procedimento monitorio nonché delle vastissima produzione dottrinaria che giurisprudenziale. Dai presupposti del procedimento d'ingiunzione all'opposizione del decreto dall'opposizione di terzo ai riti speciali questi ed altri gli argomenti affrontati nell'opera
Cota: D04-2164/A
ISBN: 8814167648
Data: 2012
Political Organs, Integration Techniques and Judicial Process de Mauro. Cappelletti (Editor, Editor); Monica Seccombe (Editor, Editor); Joseph H. Weiler (Editor, Editor)Frontmatter -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Summary Table of Contents -- Table of Contents -- Table of Cases -- Part I. Community Policy-Making and Implementation Processes -- The Political Organs and the Decision-Making Process in the United States and the European Community -- Part II. Legal Techniques for Integration -- Instruments for Legal Integration in the European Community - A Review -- Conflict of Laws as a Technique for Legal Integration -- Part III. Judicial Process -- The Judicial Branch in the Federal and Transnational Union: Its Impact on Integration -- Backmatter
Prova pericial : da prova científica à prova pericial de Carmen Vázquez; trad. Vitor de Paula Ramos; pref. Gustavo Badaró“Nos processos judiciais, uma das provas empregadas tanto pelas partes como pelo próprio juiz para a tomada de decisão sobre os fatos é o conhecimento técnico. Na maioria dos sistemas de justiça atuais a forma com que tal conhecimento entra no processo é mediante um terceiro, e não, por exemplo, mediante um juiz-perito. Nessa situação, o juiz deve, de alguma maneira, avaliar a qualidade dos conhecimentos desse terceiro e/ou, inclusive, do próprio terceiro, a fim de poder usar seu testemunho na motivação sobre os fatos. Neste livro abordam-se alguns problemas epistêmicos implicados nesse amplo panorama; i.e., analisa-se a prova pericial a partir de uma perspectiva epistêmica. Por isso, não se trata de um estudo das regras que regem a prova pericial em um sistema jurídico particular – ainda que se dê conta de diversos elementos que costumam estar presentes em muitos dos sistemas que preveem esse tipo de elementos de prova –, mas sim de pressupostos e propostas feitos com pretensão de generalidade. E isso mesmo que eu assuma que muitos de tais pressupostos são mais familiares à tradição romano-germânica e, inclusive, que algumas propostas pareçam, hoje em dia, mais facilmente aplicáveis nos sistemas dessa tradição. Ainda que seja verdade que uma questão fundamental ao abordar a prova pericial seja o que significa ser expert ou quais são os critérios de qualidade do conhecimento técnico, as análises epistêmicas (não puramente processuais) procedidas sobre esse meio de prova colocam praticamente toda a ênfase em responder isso, descuidando de um ponto fundamental: o funcionamento da prova pericial como fonte de conhecimento. Este trabalho parte precisamente de sustentar que os problemas epistêmicos da prova pericial não possuem raízes exclusivamente em quem é expert, mas, ao fim e ao cabo, em como o juiz aprende com o perito”. Da introdução da autora
Cota: D04-2170
ISBN: 978-65-5680-317-3
Data: 2021
Codice commentato delle esecuzioni civili de Giovanni Arieta, Francesco De Santis, Antonio DidoneL'esecuzione civile è stata oggetto di recente di rilevanti modifiche. Il Codice, attraverso un commento autorale della normativa codicistica e della legislazione collegata,offre un quadro d'insieme sugli aspetti sostanziali e processuali di tutta la materia. Gli autori analizzano in modo pratico e approfondito il disposto normativo, tenendo in debita considerazione la giurisprudenza di legittimità e di merito più significativa, unitamente ai contributi della dottrina. >> Leggi il capitolo "Il titolo esecutivo e il precetto" L'opera è divisa in parti: - i principi - i processi di esecuzione forzata - i processi di esecuzione forzata in forma specifica - la sospensione del processo - l'estinzione del processo, le esecuzioni forzate speciali. Il volume è aggiornato al D.L. 3.5.2016, n. 59, conv., con modificazioni, dalla L. 30.6.2016, n. 119, che ha introdotto misure urgenti in materia di procedure esecutive e concorsuali, nonché a favore degli investitori in banche in liquidazione
Die Zulaessigkeitspruefung Im Zivilprozess de Miguel Teixeira de SousaIn der deutschen Lehre ist das Problem der Reihenfolge der Zulässigkeits- und Begründetheitsvoraussetzungen im Zivilprozess noch nicht endgültig gelöst. In dieser Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, eine neue Lösung für diese noch offene Frage vorzuschlagen. Die vorgebrachte Lösung stützt sich auf eine Einteilung zwischen absoluten und relativen Zulässigkeitserfordernissen: Die absoluten Zulässigkeitserfordernisse sind Bedingungen jeder Sachentscheidung und verdienen daher eine vorrangige Prüfung; die relativen Zulässigkeitserfordernisse erfüllen eine Schutzfunktion zugunsten einer der Parteien und sind nur Bedingungen einer stattgebenden oder abweisenden Sachentscheidung, je nachdem, ob sie die Interessen des Beklagten oder des Klägers schützen.
Domínio da vida : aborto : eutanásia e liberdades individuais de Ronald DworkinNo centro de Domínio da vida está a pergunta de Dworkin sobre o porquê de o aborto e a eutanásia provocarem tanta controvérsia. São atos que violam algum "direito à vida" que se considera fundamental? Ou as objeções a esses atos terão por base a crença em que a vida humana é sagrada? Ao combinar um raciocínio moral incisivo e uma análise profunda de sentenças individuais com uma majestosa interpretação da Constituição dos Estados Unidos, Dworkin nos oferece um livro absolutamente essencial paratodos os que se preocupam com as leis que regem a vida humana. Tradução de Jefferson Luiz Camargo
Cota: D05-1637
ISBN: 8533615604
Data: 2003
Ideologias políticas e direito penal : o problema da incitação ao ódio no conflito político de Nuno Igreja MatosO Direito Penal é uma contínua provocação aos limites do poder estadual; no entanto, pouco se tem investigado sobre as suas relações com as ideologias políticas. A dúvida, porém, desponta sempre que a norma jurídico-penal se aventura pelo espaço público. As hesitações clássicas em torno do crime político — que pendularmente oscilam entre a urgência em punir (para salvaguarda da ordem) e o dever de tolerância (para tutela da liberdade individual) — adensam-se, hoje, perante discursos políticos de incitação ao ódio. E assim é porque o nó do problema da incitação política ao ódio — que o artigo 240.º do Código Penal impõe que seja enfrentado — só se desata através da conciliação de conceitos difíceis, e, por isso, porventura inconciliáveis: de um lado, a proibição da discriminação e a proteção da ordem política contra ideais antidemocráticos; de outro lado, a liberdade de expressão e o princípio democrático
ISBN: Das Problem des Pflichtwidrigkeitszusammenhanges bei den unechten Unterlassungsdelikten : eine strafrechtlich-rechtsphilosophische Untersuchung zur Kausalität menschlichen Handelns und deren strafrechtlichem Begriff
Brussels I Regulation de Ulrich Magnus (Editor); Peter Mankowski (Editor)The Brussels I Regulation is by far the most prominent cornerstone of the European law of international civil procedure. Every practitioner in the international field has to work with it - and its importance is still growing. The first edition of this full scale article-by-article commentary found a very warm reception. This second revised edition brings the book up-to-date, incorporating a host of developments in the four years since its first appearance. The book combines in-depth analysis with a genuine and truly European perspective and covers the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice and of the Member States. Additionally, it integrates thorough discussion of the pending proposal for a Brussels Ibis Regulation. This truly European commentary offers invaluable guidance for lawyers, judges, and academics. (Series: European Commentaries on Private International Law - Vol. 1 [Second Ed.])
Cota: D07-802/1A
ISBN: 9783866531420
Data: 2012-01-01
Brussels I Regulation de Ulrich Magnus (Editor); Peter Mankowski (Editor)This title, part of the new European Commentaries on Private International Law series, is devoted to the Brussels I Regulation, dealing with jurisdiction and recognition of judgments in civil and commercial law matters. Contributors in the series include leading experts from almost all EU member states. The series initiates a new specific European style of commenting on European enactments merging the various, and thus far cross-national, methods of interpretation of legislative acts. Commentaries will pay tribute to the practice of the European Court of Justice and to relevant judgments of national courts as well. Moreover, the needs of practitioners and the requirements of the practice will receive particular attention.
Cota: D07-802/2
ISBN: 9783935808323
Data: 2007-07-30
Die Europäische Vereinheitlichung des Internationalen Ehegüterrechts und des Internationalen Güterrechts Für Eingetragene Partnerschaften de Katja DengelDie Kommissionsvorschlage zum Internationalen Eheguterrecht und zum Internationalen Guterrecht fur eingetragene Partnerschaften sollen einen klaren Rechtsrahmen fur grenzuberschreitende vermogensrechtliche Wirkungen einer Ehe bzw. eingetragenen Partnerschaft schaffen. Katja Dengel analysiert die vorgeschlagenen Texte auf der Basis eines Vergleichs aller mitgliedstaatlichen Sach- und Kollisionsrechte. Schwerpunkte sind der Anwendungsbereich, die objektiven und subjektiven Anknupfungsmomente sowie ausgewahlte Fragen des Allgemeinen Teils. Der Vorschlag zur Vereinheitlichung des Internationalen Guterrechts fur eingetragene Partnerschaften wird daruber hinaus unter dem Gesichtspunkt einer moglichen Diskriminierung gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare beleuchtet. Die Arbeit mundet in konkrete Verbesserungsvorschlage.
Formação de magistrados de Centro de Estudos Judiciários; Eliana GersãoOpção de magistratura e formação de magistrados - opiniões de magistrados e auditores de justiça / Eliana Gersão
Notas de conteúdo
Conclusões de encontro de docentes do Centro de Estudos Judiciários (Portugal), Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (França) e Escuela Judicial (Espanha), Barcelona, 16 a 18 de Julho de 2001
Zivilrechtskultur der DDR de Rainer Schröder (Editor)Der vorliegende Band entstand im Kontext des DFG-geförderten Forschungsprojekts "Zivilrechtskultur in der DDR".Die Lösung von Konflikten ist in jeder Gesellschaft, auch in einer modernen - moderaten Diktatur wie der DDR, eng mit Traditionen, Wertvorstellungen und politischen Vorgaben verbunden. Handelte es sich um das Zivilrecht einer Diktatur, eines totalitären Staates oder eines Doppelstaates? Oder war es ganz einfach das qualitativ etwas andere sozialistische Recht, das von politischen Materien abgesehen, die Funktionen erfüllte, die der Justiz in einem modernen Staat beigemessen werden. War es ein Recht, das den Bedürfnissen einer zunehmend entdifferenzierten Gesellschaft offenbar genügte?Gab es eine "Normalität" von Konflikten und ihrer Lösungen in der DDR? War das - politische - Strafrecht böse, aber das Zivilrecht eine Insel der Reinheit? Wirkte sich die Ideologie in der Zivilrechtspraxis aus? Aufzeigen kann man deren Wirkung bei der Erziehungsfunktion des gesamten Rechts. Statistik genügt nicht, eine genaue Betrachtung des Umfelds war erforderlich.Der vorliegende Band 1, der demnächst erscheinende Band 2 sowie der Tagungsband "Normalität oder Herrschaft" haben es sich deshalb zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Rahmenbedingungen der Justiz in der DDR darzustellen. Sie wollen klären, wo das Personal der Gerechtigkeit herkam, wie der Rechtsstab sich rekrutierte und beeinflußt wurde, wie sich das Zivilrecht innerhalb und außerhalb von Gerichtsverfahren verwirklichte, welche Vorstellung von Konflikten der Prozeßtheorie und -praxis der DDR zugrundelag. So sollte beispielsweise durch das Eingabenwesen, das Gnade statt Recht gewährte, ein Teil des zivilrechtlichen Konfliktpotentials außergerichtlich beigelegt werden.Dabei werden auch - wiewohl wenig hervorgehoben - die Gefahren des DDR-Zivilrechts und ihres Prozesses deutlich: Eingriffe des Staates in Recht und Prozeß waren jederzeit möglich. Die freiheitsbewahrende Funktion des Rechts, ihr Kernbereich, war unterentwickelt.
Cota: F-437/1 ; F-437/2 ; F-437/3 ; F-437/4
ISBN: 3428097424
Data: 1999-09-29
Common Law de Oliver Wendell HolmesOnly paperback edition of great legal classic by noted Supreme Court Justice. Lucid, accessible coverage, from a historical perspective, of liability, criminal law, torts, bail, possession and ownership, contracts, successions, many other aspects of civil and criminal law. Indispensable reading for lawyers, political scientists, interested general readers.
Católica talks : direito e pandemia de [ed. lit.] Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law; coord. Elsa Vaz SequeiraTendo em conta os tempos pandémicos que se vivem e os desafios que semelhante situação representa não apenas para os profissionais de saúde, mas também para os juristas – chamados constantemente a analisar a repercussão que a pandemia tem nas relações jurídicas constituídas antes do seu início ou a lidar com toda a legislação que foi publicada especificamente para fazer face às dificuldades criadas ou potenciadas pela presente conjuntura –, as Talks do ano letivo 2020-2021 foram dedicadas, como não poderia deixar de ser, ao tema «Direito e Pandemia». O objetivo foi discutir problemas como a alteração das circunstâncias, o estado de emergência e o estado de calamidade, a força maior, o lay off, a liberdade de expressão nas redes sociais, o risco contratual e as dificuldades de cumprimento, bem como as medidas especiais aprovadas em determinadas áreas jurídicas, designadamente: no arrendamento, no processo de recuperação de empresas, nas relações laborais ou no processo civil
Cota: G01-848/3
ISBN: 9789725407646
Data: 2022
Católica talks : direito e personalidade de [ed. lit.] Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law; coord. Elsa Vaz SequeiraNo ano letivo de 2021-2022, as Católica Talks foram dedicadas ao tema «Direito e Personalidade». Aí se discutiram, para além dos conceitos de personalidade jurídica, de capacidade jurídica e de personalidade tributária, questões como a personalidade jurídica do nascituro, a personalidade dos indivíduos à luz do Direito internacional, a eventual personificação dos sistemas de inteligência artificial, o levantamento da personalidade jurídica, a personalidade das sociedades civis e das sociedades irregulares, assim como os crimes contra as pessoas. O livro que agora de publica reúne a generalidade das comunicações efetuadas
Estudos em homenagem à Professora Doutora Maria da Glória F. P. D. Garcia de Comissão organizadora Mário Aroso de Almeida... [et al]; rev. ed. Ana Cunha, Patrícia FeioEsta obra em três volumes constitui a justa homenagem da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e da sua Faculdade de Direito a quem foi sua Professora, Vice-Reitora e Reitora, no momento em que completa 70 anos, à qual tantos quiseram associar-se através do envio de contribuições científicas e depoimentos. Homenagem à académica distinta, que iluminou gerações de estudantes, deu importantes contributos para o progresso da doutrina jurídica nacional e prestou inestimáveis serviços à academia. Homenagem à cidadã empenhada, referencial de cultura e humanismo, cuja intervenção social se pautou pela afirmação da dignidade da pessoa humana como «o argumento decisivo para a construção do futuro». E homenagem à mulher, de fibra e de carácter, dotada de um conjunto raro de qualidades que deixam marca indelével em todos aqueles que com ela têm o privilégio de contactar
StichwortKommentar Familienrecht de Mathias Grandel (Editor); Roland Stockmann (Editor)Das Prinzip Stichwortkommentar - Sie haben es verstanden Aufgrund der groaen Nachfrage nach der 1. Auflage war eine rasche Neuauflage des Stichwortkommentars Familienrechts notig. Mit allen gesetzlichen Neuerungen ist das Buch nun wieder maageschneidert fur die Anforderungen der Praxis. Das Prinzip: Alphabetisch sortierte Stichworte ermoglichen das rasche Erschlieaen einer Fragestellung. Die Stichworte umfassen sowohl die typischen juristischen Sachverhalte (Beispiel: "Erwerbsobliegenheit"), als auch beratungsnahe Lebenslagen (Beispiel: "Kindesentfuhrung"), setzen sie in den juristischen Kontext und fuhren sie auf gewohnt hohem Kommentarniveau und an der hochstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung entlang einem konkreten Losungsvorschlag zu. Die folgenden Neuerungen sind eingearbeitet: Neuregelung der elterlichen Sorge bei nicht miteinander verheirateten Eltern Neuregelung des Umgangsrechts des biologischen Vaters Rechtsprechungs"flut" zum neuen Versorgungsausgleich Gesetzesanderung im Unterhaltsrecht, Stichwort "lange Ehedauer" neue BGH-Rechtsprechung im Unterhaltsrecht nach dem Scheitern der Drittelmethode Inkrafttreten etlicher europaischer Verordnungen und internationaler Abkommen, somit Neukonzeption des gesamten Bereich des internationalen Familienrechts Schnittstellen aus dem Blickwinkel des FamilienrechtlersNeben den klassischen Sachbereichen erlaubt es die Darstellungsweise auch, die Beruhrungspunkte des Familienrechts zu anderen Rechtsgebieten punktgenau darzustellen. So sind die allgegenwartigen Fragestellungen an den Schnittstellen zum Erbrecht, zum Kinder- und Jugendhilferecht, zum Sozialrecht, zum Steuerrecht und zum Vollstreckungsrecht in eigenen Stichworten behandelt (Beispiel: "Inobhutnahme", "Bedarfsgemeinschaft"). Auch aktuelle Entwicklungen sind aufgegriffen (Beispiel: "Betreuungsgeld").
Cota: G02-349/A
ISBN: 9783848705221
Data: 2013-10-28
StichwortKommentar Familienrecht de Mathias Grandel (Editor); Roland Stockmann (Editor)Das Prinzip Stichwortkommentar - Sie haben es verstanden Aufgrund der groaen Nachfrage nach der 1. Auflage war eine rasche Neuauflage des Stichwortkommentars Familienrechts notig. Mit allen gesetzlichen Neuerungen ist das Buch nun wieder maageschneidert fur die Anforderungen der Praxis. Das Prinzip: Alphabetisch sortierte Stichworte ermoglichen das rasche Erschlieaen einer Fragestellung. Die Stichworte umfassen sowohl die typischen juristischen Sachverhalte (Beispiel: "Erwerbsobliegenheit"), als auch beratungsnahe Lebenslagen (Beispiel: "Kindesentfuhrung"), setzen sie in den juristischen Kontext und fuhren sie auf gewohnt hohem Kommentarniveau und an der hochstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung entlang einem konkreten Losungsvorschlag zu. Die folgenden Neuerungen sind eingearbeitet: Neuregelung der elterlichen Sorge bei nicht miteinander verheirateten Eltern Neuregelung des Umgangsrechts des biologischen Vaters Rechtsprechungs"flut" zum neuen Versorgungsausgleich Gesetzesanderung im Unterhaltsrecht, Stichwort "lange Ehedauer" neue BGH-Rechtsprechung im Unterhaltsrecht nach dem Scheitern der Drittelmethode Inkrafttreten etlicher europaischer Verordnungen und internationaler Abkommen, somit Neukonzeption des gesamten Bereich des internationalen Familienrechts Schnittstellen aus dem Blickwinkel des FamilienrechtlersNeben den klassischen Sachbereichen erlaubt es die Darstellungsweise auch, die Beruhrungspunkte des Familienrechts zu anderen Rechtsgebieten punktgenau darzustellen. So sind die allgegenwartigen Fragestellungen an den Schnittstellen zum Erbrecht, zum Kinder- und Jugendhilferecht, zum Sozialrecht, zum Steuerrecht und zum Vollstreckungsrecht in eigenen Stichworten behandelt (Beispiel: "Inobhutnahme", "Bedarfsgemeinschaft"). Auch aktuelle Entwicklungen sind aufgegriffen (Beispiel: "Betreuungsgeld").
Cota: G02-349/A
ISBN: 9783848705221
Data: 2013-10-28
A Companion to Philosophical Logic de Dale Jacquette (Editor)This collection of newly comissioned essays by international contributors offers a representative overview of the most important developments in contemporary philosophical logic. Presents controversies in philosophical implications and applications of formal symbolic logic. Surveys major trends and offers original insights.
Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy de John Rawls; Barbara Herman (Editor)The premier political philosopher of his day, John Rawls, in three decades of teaching at Harvard, has had a profound influence on the way philosophical ethics is approached and understood today. This book brings together the lectures that inspired a generation of students--and a regeneration of moral philosophy. It invites readers to learn from the most noted exemplars of modern moral philosophy with the inspired guidance of one of contemporary philosophy's most noteworthy practitioners and teachers. Central to Rawls's approach is the idea that respectful attention to the great texts of our tradition can lead to a fruitful exchange of ideas across the centuries. In this spirit, his book engages thinkers such as Leibniz, Hume, Kant, and Hegel as they struggle in brilliant and instructive ways to define the role of a moral conception in human life. The lectures delineate four basic types of moral reasoning: perfectionism, utilitarianism, intuitionism, and--the ultimate focus of Rawls's course--Kantian constructivism. Comprising a superb course on the history of moral philosophy, they also afford unique insight into how John Rawls has transformed our view of this history.
A Companion to Epistemology de edited by Jonathan Dancy and Ernest SosaEpistemology - the theory of knowledge and of justified belief - has always been of central importance in philosophy. Progress in other areas of philosophical research has often depended crucially on epistemological presuppositions. This Companion, with well over 250 articles ranging from summary discussions to major essays on topics of current controversy, is the first complete reference work devoted to the subject. All the main theoretical positions in epistemology are discussed and analysed, tougher with the different categories of knowledge itself - scientific, historical, mathematical, a priori, moral and so on - and the special problems associated with these. There are also many entries covering individual concepts, arguments and problems, short definitions of technical terms, and biographical articles. With its unrivalled coverage of the field, supported by a comprehensive index and an extensive cross-referencing, the Companion is likely to remain the standard reference work in epistemology from undergraduate level upward for the foreseeable future.
Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity de Richard RortyIn this 1989 book Rorty argues that thinkers such as Nietzsche, Freud, and Wittgenstein have enabled societies to see themselves as historical contingencies, rather than as expressions of underlying, ahistorical human nature or as realizations of suprahistorical goals. This ironic perspective on the human condition is valuable on a private level, although it cannot advance the social or political goals of liberalism. In fact Rorty believes that it is literature not philosophy that can do this, by promoting a genuine sense of human solidarity. A truly liberal culture, acutely aware of its own historical contingency, would fuse the private, individual freedom of the ironic, philosophical perspective with the public project of human solidarity as it is engendered through the insights and sensibilities of great writers. The book has a characteristically wide range of reference from philosophy through social theory to literary criticism. It confirms Rorty's status as a uniquely subtle theorist, whose writing will prove absorbing to academic and nonacademic readers alike.
Moral Minds de Marc HauserIn his groundbreaking book, Marc Hauser puts forth a revolutionary new theory: that humans have evolved a universal moral instinct, unconsciously propelling us to deliver judgments of right and wrong independent of gender, education, and religion. Combining his cutting-edge research with the latest findings in cognitive psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, economics, and anthropology, Hauser explores the startling implications of his provocative theory vis-à-vis contemporary bioethics, religion, the law, and our everyday lives.
Cota: H0101-1361
ISBN: 9780060780722
Data: 2007-09-04
The Normativity of What We Care About de Katrien SchaubroeckReasons and obligations pervade our lives. The alarm clock gives us a reason to get up on the morning, the expectations of colleagues or clients give us a reason to do our jobs well, the misery in developing countries gives us a reason to donate money to Oxfam, a headache gives us a reason to take an aspirin. Looking for unity in variety, philosophers wonder why a consideration counts as a reason to do something. The nature and source of practical reasons have been debated intensively over the last three decades in analytical philosophy.This book discusses the three most influential theories referred to as the desire-based, the value-based, and the rationally-based theories of practical reasons. The author argues that all three are defective because they overlook the role of what agents care about. In the end, it is our being concerned about other people, leading a meaningful life, and being healthy (among other things) that gives us reasons to do certain things rather than others. Drawing on insights from Harry Frankfurt, the author presents a love-based reason theory as a new and promising perspective in the debate on practical reasons.
Solomonic Judgements de Jon ElsterThis volume of essays is very much a sequel to the two earlier collections by Jon Elster, Ulysses and the Sirens and Sour Grapes. His topic is rationality - its scope, its limitations, and its failures. Elster considers rational responses to the insufficiency of reason itself, and to the 'indeterminacies' in deploying rational-choice theory and discusses the irrationality of not seeing when, where, and what these are. A key essay which gives the collection its title examines disputes in cases of child custody, which are paradigmatically indeterminate. Leaving aside cases where one parent is patently unfit and assuming that protracted dispute is against the immediate interests of the child, Elster argues that three options present themselves: a strong presumption in favour of the mother, a strong presumption in favour of the primary caretaker (also likely to be the mother), and tossing a coin. Though the first two options may be preferable in the short/medium term, Elster argues that there is a case for randomisation in the long term. The book will be read with interest by anyone concerned with political and social science.
Cota: H0101-1365
ISBN: 0521376084
Data: 1989-07-28
The Pragmatic Turn de Richard J. BernsteinIn this major new work, Richard J. Bernstein argues that many of the most important themes in philosophy during the past one hundred and fifty years are variations and developments of ideas that were prominent in the classical American pragmatists: Charles S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey and George H Mead. Pragmatism begins with a thoroughgoing critique of the Cartesianism that dominated so much of modern philosophy. The pragmatic thinkers reject a sharp dichotomy between subject and object, mind-body dualism, the quest for certainty and the spectator theory of knowledge. They seek to bring about a sea change in philosophy that highlights the social character of human experience and normative social practices, the self-correcting nature of all inquiry, and the continuity of theory and practice. And they-especially James, Dewey, and Mead-emphasize the democratic ethical-political consequences of a pragmatic orientation. Many of the themes developed by the pragmatic thinkers were also central to the work of major twentieth century philosophers like Wittgenstein and Heidegger, but the so-called analytic-continental split obscures this underlying continuity. Bernstein develops an alternative reading of contemporary philosophy that brings out the persistence and continuity of pragmatic themes. He critically examines the work of leading contemporary philosophers who have been deeply influenced by pragmatism, including Hilary Putnam, Jürgen Habermas, Richard Rorty, and Robert Brandom, and he explains why the discussion of pragmatism is so alive, varied and widespread. This lucid, wide-ranging book by one of America's leading philosophers will be compulsory reading for anyone who wants to understand the state of philosophy today.
Cota: H0101-1366
ISBN: 9780745649085
Data: 2010-04-26
Truth and Predication de Donald Davidson; Kevin Sharpe (Editor)This brief book takes readers to the very heart of what it is that philosophy can do well. Completed shortly before Donald Davidson's death at 85, Truth and Predication brings full circle a journey moving from the insights of Plato and Aristotle to the problems of contemporary philosophy. In particular, Davidson, countering many of his contemporaries, argues that the concept of truth is not ambiguous, and that we need an effective theory of truth in order to live well. Davidson begins by harking back to an early interest in the classics, and an even earlier engagement with the workings of grammar, in the pleasures of diagramming sentences in grade school, he locates his first glimpse into the mechanics of how we conduct the most important activities in our life - such as declaring love, asking directions, issuing orders, and telling stories. Davidson connects these essential questions with the most basic and yet hard to understand mysteries of language use - how we connect noun to verb. on their thinking to show how an understanding of linguistic behavior is critical to the formulating of a workable concept of truth. Anchored in classical philosophy, Truth and Predication nonetheless makes telling use of the work of a great number of modern philosophers from Tarski and Dewey to Quine and Rorty. Representing the very best of Western thought, it reopens the most difficult and pressing of ancient philosophical problems, and reveals them to be very much of our day.
Elements of the Philosophy of Right de Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; Allen W. Wood (Editor); H. B. Nisbet (Translator); Raymond Geuss (Contribution by); Quentin Skinner (Contribution by)This book is a translation of a classic work of modern social and political thought, Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Hegel's last major published work, is an attempt to systematize ethical theory, natural right, the philosophy of law, political theory and the sociology of the modern state into the framework of Hegel's philosophy of history. Hegel's work has been interpreted in radically different ways, influencing many political movements from far right to far left, and is widely perceived as central to the communication tradition in modern ethical, social and political thought. This edition includes extensive editorial material informing the reader of the historical background of Hegel's text, and explaining his allusions to Roman law and other sources, making use of lecture materials which have only recently become available. The new translation is literal, readable and consistent, and will be informative and scholarly enough to serve the needs of students and specialists alike.
A Companion to Analytic Philosophy de A. P. Martinich (Editor); David Sosa (Editor)A Companion to Analytic Philosophy is a comprehensive guide to many significant analytic philosophers and concepts of the last hundred years. Provides a comprehensive guide to many of the most significant analytic philosophers of the last one hundred years. Offers clear and extensive analysis of profound concepts such as truth, goodness, knowledge, and beauty. Written by some of the most distinguished philosophers alive, some of whom have entries in the book devoted to them.
Cota: H0101-1377
ISBN: 0631214151
Data: 2001-07-05
Tratado de argumentação de Chaïm Perelman, Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca; trad. João Duarte; pref. Michel MeyerDiz-nos a co-autora desta obra que sempre teve a impressão de que a psicologia social, no seu conjunto, teve tendência para considerar como estabelecido que o irracional, a sugestão, prevaleciam nas relações humanas quando se saía da serena cidade dos sábios. Esta frase parece caracterizar muito bem o esforço dos dois autores em fazer entrar a ética, os valores, as trocas humanas em geral no domínio da razão (razão prática, evidentemente), subtraindo as assim às forças do irracional, porque é à razão que é necessário apelar para convencer, se pretendemos evitar servirmo-nos da violência, da coerção física ou psicológica. O Tratado de Argumentação, faz sair da mentira a arte da persuasão, privilegiando a liberdade de discussão, contra o fanatismo e o cepticismo. Esta obra postula um modelo de sociedade que nos permite operar escolhas em bases racionais, sem no entanto reduzir a racionalidade às matematizações, às lógicas formalizadas. Nesta obra os autores combatem as oposições filosóficas, nítidas e irredutíveis, que apresentam os absolutismos de qualquer espécie; o dualismo da razão e da imaginação, da ciência e da opinião, da objectividade universalmente admitida e da inefável subjectividade. Este Tratado de Argumentação, é, hoje, um clássico de leitura obrigatória; muito mais que um simples manual para aprender a bem argumentar, a sua riqueza humana e cultural fazem dele um companheiro de viagem verdadeiramente precioso
Cota: H0101-1378
ISBN: 972-771-838-8
Data: 2006
Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory de James Dreier (Editor)Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory features pairs of newly commissioned essays by some of the leading theorists working in the field today. Brings together fresh debates on the most controversial issues in moral theory Questions include: Are moral requirements derived from reason? How demanding is morality? Are virtues the proper starting point for moral theorizing? Lively debate format sharply defines the issues, and paves the way for further discussion. Will serve as an accessible introduction to the major topics in contemporary moral theory, while also capturing the imagination of professional philosophers.
Cota: H0101-1379
ISBN: 1405101792
Data: 2006-01-09
From a Logical Point of View de Willard van Orman QuineThese nine essays are largely concerned with the theory of meaning and references--semantics. At the same time adjacent portions of philosophy and logic are discussed. To the existence of what objects may a given scientific theory be said to be committed? And what considerations may suitably guide us in accepting or revising such ontological commitments? These are among the questions dealt with in this book, particular attention being devoted to the role of abstract entities in mathematics. There is speculation on the mechanism whereby objects of one sort or another come to be posited, a process in which the notion of identity plays an important part.
Toward a Global Civil Society de Michael Walzer (Editor)The demise of Communism has not only affected Eastern Europe but also the countries of the West where a far-reaching examination of political and economic systems has begun. This collection of essays by internationally renowned scholars of political theory from Europe and the United States explores both the concept and the reality of civil society and its institutions.
Language : key concepts in philosophy de José MedinaInquiry into the nature and purpose of language has long been a central concern of Western philosophy, within both the analytic, Anglo-American tradition, and its Continental counterpart. Language: Key Concepts in Philosophy explains and explores the principal ideas, theories and debates in the philosophy of language, providing a clear and authoritative account of the discipline. The text covers the work on language of the major philosophers in both traditions, including Frege, Wittgenstein, Austin, Quine, Davidson, Heidegger, Gadamer, Derrida and Butler. The book equips readers with the requisite philosophical tools to get to grips with central concepts and key issues, and raises challenging questions students can then explore on their own. Coverage of each issue provides the reader with a full account of the state of the question and a thorough assessment of the arguments entailed in the available literature on that subject. Philosophy undergraduates will find this an invaluable aid to study, one that goes beyond simple definitions and summaries to really open up fascinating and important ideas and arguments
La justice de textes choisis et présentés par Magali BessoneRassemble des textes d'Arendt à Walzer, en passant par Aristote, la Déclaration des droits de l'homme, Foucault, Hobbes, Kant, Pascal ou Rousseau. Une seconde partie aborde les thèmes du constitutionnalisme, de la désobéissance civile et civique, de la résistance, du droit du plus fort, de l'équité, de la raison d'Etat..
Thick and Thin de Michael WalzerIn Thick and Thin: Moral Argument at Home and Abroad, Michael Walzer revises and extends the arguments in his influential Spheres of Justice, framing his ideas about justice, social criticism, and national identity in light of the new political world that has arisen in the past three decades. Walzer focuses on two different but interrelated kinds of moral argument: maximalist and minimalist, thick and thin, local and universal. This new edition has a new preface and afterword, written by the author, describing how the reasoning of the book connects with arguments he made in Just and Unjust Wars about the morality of warfare. Walzer's highly literate and fascinating blend of philosophy and historical analysis will appeal not only to those interested in the polemics surrounding Spheres of Justice and Just and Unjust Wars but also to intelligent readers who are more concerned with getting the arguments right.
Nicomachean Ethics de . Aristotle; H. Rackham (Translator)Antiquity's most influential account of life's Supreme Good. Aristotle, great Greek philosopher, researcher, reasoner, and writer, born at Stagirus in 384 BC, was the son of a physician. He studied under Plato at Athens and taught there (367-347); subsequently he spent three years at the court of a former pupil in Asia Minor. After some time at Mitylene, in 343-342 he was appointed by King Philip of Macedon to be tutor of his teen-aged son Alexander. After Philip's death in 336, Aristotle became head of his own school (of "Peripatetics"), the Lyceum at Athens. Because of anti-Macedonian feeling there after Alexander's death in 323, he withdrew to Chalcis in Euboea, where he died in 322. Nearly all the works Aristotle prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as follows: I Practical: Nicomachean Ethics; Great Ethics (Magna Moralia); Eudemian Ethics; Politics; Economics (on the good of the family); On Virtues and Vices. II Logical: Categories; Analytics (Prior and Posterior); Interpretation; Refutations used by Sophists; Topica. III Physical: Twenty-six works (some suspect) including astronomy, generation and destruction, the senses, memory, sleep, dreams, life, facts about animals, etc. IV Metaphysics: on being as being. V Art: Rhetoric and Poetics. VI Other works including the Constitution of Athens; more works also of doubtful authorship. VII Fragments of various works such as dialogues on philosophy and literature; and of treatises on rhetoric, politics, and metaphysics. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Aristotle is in twenty-three volumes.
Cota: H0101-1398
ISBN: 0674990811
Data: 1926-01-01
Categories. on Interpretation. Prior Analytics de . Aristotle; Harold Percy Cooke (Translator); Hugh Tredennick (Translator)The philosopher's toolkit. Aristotle, great Greek philosopher, researcher, reasoner, and writer, born at Stagirus in 384 BC, was the son of a physician. He studied under Plato at Athens and taught there (367-347); subsequently he spent three years at the court of a former pupil in Asia Minor. After some time at Mitylene, in 343-342 he was appointed by King Philip of Macedon to be tutor of his teen-aged son Alexander. After Philip's death in 336, Aristotle became head of his own school (of "Peripatetics"), the Lyceum at Athens. Because of anti-Macedonian feeling there after Alexander's death in 323, he withdrew to Chalcis in Euboea, where he died in 322. Nearly all the works Aristotle prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as follows: I Practical: Nicomachean Ethics; Great Ethics (Magna Moralia); Eudemian Ethics; Politics; Economics (on the good of the family); On Virtues and Vices. II Logical: Categories; Analytics (Prior and Posterior); Interpretation; Refutations used by Sophists; Topica. III Physical: Twenty-six works (some suspect) including astronomy, generation and destruction, the senses, memory, sleep, dreams, life, facts about animals, etc. IV Metaphysics: on being as being. V Art: Rhetoric and Poetics. VI Other works including the Constitution of Athens; more works also of doubtful authorship. VII Fragments of various works such as dialogues on philosophy and literature; and of treatises on rhetoric, politics, and metaphysics. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Aristotle is in twenty-three volumes.
Justice As Fairness de John Rawls; Erin I. Kelly (Editor)This book originated as lectures for a course on political philosophy that Rawls taught regularly at Harvard in the 1980s. In time the lectures became a restatement of his theory of justice as fairness, revised in light of his more recent papers and his treatise Political Liberalism (1993). As Rawls writes in the preface, the restatement presents "in one place an account of justice as fairness as I now see it, drawing on all [my previous] works." He offers a broad overview of his main lines of thought and also explores specific issues never before addressed in any of his writings. Rawls is well aware that since the publication of A Theory of Justice in 1971, American society has moved farther away from the idea of justice as fairness. Yet his ideas retain their power and relevance to debates in a pluralistic society about the meaning and theoretical viability of liberalism. This book demonstrates that moral clarity can be achieved even when a collective commitment to justice is uncertain.
Cota: H0101-1487
ISBN: 0674005112
Data: 2001-05-16
The Cambridge Companion to Rawls de Samuel Freeman (Editor)Each volume of this series of companions to major philosophers contains specially commissioned essays by an international team of scholars and will serve as a reference work for students and nonspecialists. John Rawls is the most significant and influential philosopher and moral philosopher of the twentieth century. His work has profoundly shaped contemporary discussions of social, political and economic justice in philosophy, law, political science, economics and other social disciplines. In this exciting collection of essays, many of the world's leading political and moral theorists discuss the full range of Rawls's contribution to the concepts of political and economic justice, democracy, liberalism, constitutionalism, and international justice. There are also assessments of Rawls's controversial relationships with feminism, utilitarianism and communitarianism. New readers will find this to be an accessible guide to Rawls. Advanced students and specialists will find a conspectus of developments in the interpretation of Rawls.
The Authority of Law de Joseph RazThis revised edition of one of the classic works of modern legal philosophy, first published in 1979, represents Raz's landmark contribution which has had an enduring influence on philosophical work on the nature of law and its relation to morality. The new edition includes two previously uncollected essays and a new introduction from the author.
The Problems of Jurisprudence de Richard A. PosnerIn this book, one of our country's most distinguished scholar-judges shares with us his vision of the law. For the past two thousand years, the philosophy of law has been dominated by two rival doctrines. One contends that law is more than politics and yields, in the hands of skillful judges, correct answers to even the most difficult legal questions; the other contends that law is politics through and through and that judges wield essentially arbitrary powers. Rejecting these doctrines as too metaphysical in the first instance and too nihilistic in the second, Richard Posner argues for a pragmatic jurisprudence, one that eschews formalism in favor of the factual and the empirical. Laws, he argues, are not abstract, sacred entities, but socially determined goads for shaping behavior to conform with society's values. Examining how judges go about making difficult decisions, Posner argues that they cannot rely on either logic or science, but must fall back on a grab bag of informal methods of reasoning that owe less than one might think to legal training and experience. Indeed, he reminds us, the greatest figures in American law have transcended the traditional conceptions of the lawyer's craft. Robert Jackson did not attend law school and Benjamin Cardozo left before getting a degree. Holmes was neither the most successful of lawyers nor the most lawyerly of judges. Citing these examples, Posner makes a plea for a law that frees itself from excessive insularity and takes all knowledge, practical and theoretical, as grist for its mill. The pragmatism that Posner espouses implies looking at problems concretely, experimentally, without illusions, with an emphasis on keeping diverse paths of inquiry open, and, above all, with the insistence that social thought and action be evaluated as instruments to desired human goals rather than as ends in themselves. In making his arguments, he discusses notable figures in jurisprudence from Antigone to Ronald Dworkin as well as recent movements ranging from law and economics to civic republicanism, and feminism to libertarianism. All are subjected to Posner's stringent analysis in a fresh and candid examination of some of the deepest problems presented by the enterprise of law.
Cota: H0102-733
ISBN: 0674708768
Data: 1993-03-15
Between Authority and Interpretation de Joseph RazIn this book Joseph Raz develops his views on some of the central questions in practical philosophy: legal, political, and moral. The book provides an overview of Raz's work on jurisprudence and the nature of law in the context of broader questions in the philosophy of practical reason.The book opens with a discussion of methodological issues, focusing on understanding the nature of jurisprudence. It asks how the nature of law can be explained, and how the success of a legal theory can be established.The book then addresses central questions on the nature of law, its relation to morality, the nature and justification of authority, and the nature of legal reasoning. It explains how legitimate law, while being a branch of applied morality, is also a relatively autonomous system, which has thepotential to bridge moral differences among its subjects. Raz offers responses to some critical reactions to his theory of authority, adumbrating, and modifying the theory to meet some of them.The final part of the book brings together for the first time Raz's work on the nature of interpretation in law and the humanities. It includes a new essay explaining interpretive pluralism and the possibility of interpretive innovation.Taken together, the essays in the volume offer a valuable introduction for students coming for the first time to Raz's work in the philosophy of law, and an original contribution to many of the current debates in practical philosophy.
Justice in Robes de Ronald DworkinHow should a judge's moral convictions bear on his judgments about what the law is? The author charts a variety of dimensions in which law and morals are interwoven. He argues that pragmatism is empty as a theory of law, and that value pluralism misunderstands the nature of moral concepts.
How Judges Think de Richard A. PosnerA distinguished and experienced appellate court judge, Richard A. Posner offers in this new book a unique and, to orthodox legal thinkers, a startling perspective on how judges and justices decide cases. When conventional legal materials enable judges to ascertain the true facts of a case and apply clear pre-existing legal rules to them, Posner argues, they do so straightforwardly; that is the domain of legalist reasoning. However, in non-routine cases, the conventional materials run out and judges are on their own, navigating uncharted seas with equipment consisting of experience, emotions, and often unconscious beliefs. In doing so, they take on a legislative role, though one that is confined by internal and external constraints, such as professional ethics, opinions of respected colleagues, and limitations imposed by other branches of government on freewheeling judicial discretion. Occasional legislators, judges are motivated by political considerations in a broad and sometimes a narrow sense of that term. In that open area, most American judges are legal pragmatists. Legal pragmatism is forward-looking and policy-based. It focuses on the consequences of a decision in both the short and the long term, rather than on its antecedent logic. Legal pragmatism so understood is really just a form of ordinary practical reasoning, rather than some special kind of legal reasoning. Supreme Court justices are uniquely free from the constraints on ordinary judges and uniquely tempted to engage in legislative forms of adjudication. More than any other court, the Supreme Court is best understood as a political court.
Cota: H0102-1411
ISBN: 9780674048065
Data: 2010-05-01
Exploring Law's Empire de Scott Hershovitz (Editor)Exploring Law's Empire is a collection of essays examining the work of Ronald Dworkin in the philosophy of law and constitutionalism. A group of leading legal theorists develop, defend and critique the major areas of Dworkin's work, including his criticism of legal positivism, his theory oflaw as integrity, and his work on constitutional theory.The volume concludes with a lengthy response to the essays by Dworkin himself, which develops and clarifies many of his positions on the central questions of legal and constitutional theory. The volume represents an ideal companion for students and scholars embarking on a study of Dworkin'swork.
Einführung in die Rechtsphilosophie de Johann BraunParallel zur zweiten Auflage erscheint ein 'virtueller Begleitband' mit ausgewahlten Originaltexten. Diese online gestellten Texte sind frei zuganglich und dienen der Veranschaulichung der entsprechenden Paragraphen der gedruckten 'Einfuhrung'. Sie sollen dem Leser den Einstieg in die Lekture der behandelten Werke erleichtern. Aus Rezensionen zur ersten Auflage: "Brauns Einfuhrung in die Rechtsphilosophie sollte ein Pflichtwerk im Bucherschrank der Jurastudierenden sein. Auch diejenigen, die sich vorher nicht fur die Rechtsphilosphie interessiert haben, werden auf ihre Kosten kommen. [...] es ist, da es bei null beginnt und trotzdem nichts auslasst, sowohl Sach- als auch Fachbuch. Dem Autor gelingt sein von ihm verfolgtes Ziel, die Rechtsphilosophie wieder fur Juristen interessant zu machen." (Januar 2011) "Brauns Lehrbuch macht Spass [...] Eine bemerkenswerte, originelle Neuerscheinung auf vielfach gepflugtem Boden." Stefan Rusche (Marz 2008) "In diesem Sinne verdient das [...] Werk moglichst viele von ihm angesprochene Leser mit Sinn fur und Wunsch nach philosophischem Einblick, Uberblick und Durchblick." Gerhard Kobler Zeitschr. d. Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte 2008, 552-554 Fur Bibliotheken gelten bei diesem Titel abweichende Konditionen; bitte wenden Sie sich an den Vertrieb.
Understanding Jurisprudence de Denise MeyersonConsidering general philosophical and theoretical questions about the nature, purpose and operation of law as a whole, this book introduces students to contemporary debates in jurisprudence and encourages them to think in a theoretical and critical way about the nature of law, legal reasoning and adjudication. Discussing wider issues of morality, politics and society with reference to legal cases and examples, it provides as broad a perspective on the law as possible. Key features of this textbook include: introductions to each chapter analysis of how jurisprudential issues can arise in everyday life a wide range of cases to ground the theoretical discussion in-depth discussion of the relationship of law to force, morality and politics, as well as of rights, justice and feminist jurisprudence. The text provides a concise treatment of all the major topics typically covered in an undergraduate course on jurisprudence and succinctly explains the arguments for and against the different approaches to the issues that are raised.
Cota: H0102-1445
ISBN: 9781859419564
Data: 2006-10-26
A Matter of Principle de Ronald DworkinThis is a book about the interplay of urgent political issues and hotly debated questions of moral philosophy. The controversies it joins are old; but history has given them fresh shape. For example, whether judges should and do make law is now of more practical importance than ever before, as recent presidents have appointed enough justices to the Supreme Court to set its character for a generation. With forceful style, Ronald Dworkin addresses questions about the Anglo-American legal system as protector of individual rights and as machinery for furthering the common good. He discusses whether judges should make political decisions in hard cases; the balancing of individual rights versus the good of the community; whether a person has the right to do what society views as wrong; and the meaning of equality in any framework of social justice. Dworkin strongly opposes the idea that judges should aim at maximizing social wealth. It is his conviction that the area of discretion for judges is severely limited, that in a mature legal system one can always find in existing law a "right answer" for hard cases. Dworkin helps us thread our way through many timely issues such as the rights and privileges of the press under the First Amendment. He reviews the Bakke case, which tested affirmative action programs. These essays also examine civil disobedience, especially in nuclear protests, and bring new perspective to the debate over support of the arts. Above all, this is a book about the interplay between two levels of our political consciousness: practical problems and philosophical theory, matters of urgency and matters of principle. The concluding essay on press freedom expands the discussion of conflict between principle and policy into a warning. Though some defenders of the press blend the two in order to expand freedom of speech, the confusion they create does disservice to their aim and jeopardizes the genuine and fragile right of free speech. We stand in greater danger of compromising that right than of losing the most obvious policy benefits of powerful investigative reporting and should therefore beware the danger to liberty of confusing the two. The caution is general. If we care so little for principle that we dress policy in its colors when this suits our purpose, we cheapen principle and diminish its authority.
Natural Law Theory de Robert P. George (Editor)This volume presents twelve original essays by contemporary natural law theorists and their critics. Natural law theory is enjoying a revival of interest today in a variety of disciplines, including law, philosophy, political science, and theology and religious studies. These essays offerreaders a sense of the lively contemporary debate among natural law theorists of different schools, as well as between natual law theorists and their critics.
Natural Law and Natural Rights de John FinnisThis book uses contemporary analytical tools to provide basic accounts of values and principles, community and 'common good', justice and human rights, authority, law, the varieties of obligation, unjust law, and even the question of divine authority.
Cota: H0102-1456
ISBN: 0198761104
Data: 1980-03-20
El imperio de la interpretación : los fundamentos hermenéuticos de la teoría de Dworkin de Pablo Raúl BonorinoEl objetivo del autor de este trabajo es analizar la viabilidad de la propuesta filosófica de Ronald Dworkin, tomando como referencia la presentación que realizó en su obra El imperio del derecho (Dworkin 1986, en adelante LE). Sostiene que la concepción constructiva de la interpretación, fundamento último de su teoría, resulta cuestionable. Trata de mostrar que, de acuerdo a los criterios de valoración que ella misma establece, existen buenas razones para rechazarla en los dominios en los que Dworkin la considera más plausible: la crítica de arte y el derecho
Cota: H0102-1457
ISBN: 8497721608
Data: 2003
Justice for Hedgehogs de Ronald DworkinThe fox knows many things, the Greeks said, but the hedgehog knows one big thing. In his most comprehensive work Ronald Dworkin argues that value in all its forms is one big thing: that what truth is, life means, morality requires, and justice demands are different aspects of the same large question. He develops original theories on a great variety of issues very rarely considered in the same book: moral skepticism, literary, artistic, and historical interpretation, free will, ancient moral theory, being good and living well, liberty, equality, and law among many other topics. What we think about any one of these must stand up, eventually, to any argument we find compelling about the rest.Skepticism in all its forms-philosophical, cynical, or post-modern-threatens that unity. The Galilean revolution once made the theological world of value safe for science. But the new republic gradually became a new empire: the modern philosophers inflated the methods of physics into a totalitarian theory of everything. They invaded and occupied all the honorifics-reality, truth, fact, ground, meaning, knowledge, and being-and dictated the terms on which other bodies of thought might aspire to them, and skepticism has been the inevitable result. We need a new revolution. We must make the world of science safe for value.
Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? de Christopher Wellman; John Simmons; R. G. Frey (Contribution by)The central question in political philosophy is whether political states have the right to coerce their constituents and whether citizens have a moral duty to obey the commands of their state. In this 2005 book, Christopher Heath Wellman and A. John Simmons defend opposing answers to this question. Wellman bases his argument on samaritan obligations to perform easy rescues, arguing that each of us has a moral duty to obey the law as his or her fair share of the communal samaritan chore of rescuing our compatriots from the perils of the state of nature. Simmons counters that this, and all other attempts to explain our duty to obey the law, fail. He defends a position of philosophical anarchism, the view that no existing state is legitimate and that there is no strong moral presumption in favor of obedience to, or compliance with, any existing state.
Cota: H0102-1460
ISBN: 0521537843
Data: 2005-08-01
Collected Papers de John Rawls; Samuel Freeman (Editor)John Rawls's work on justice has drawn more commentary and aroused wider attention than any other work in moral or political philosophy in the twentieth century. Rawls is the author of two major treatises, A Theory of Justice (1971) and Political Liberalism (1993); it is said that A Theory of Justice revived political philosophy in the English-speaking world. But before and after writing his great treatises Rawls produced a steady stream of essays. Some of these essays articulate views of justice and liberalism distinct from those found in the two books. They are important in and of themselves because of the deep issues about the nature of justice, moral reasoning, and liberalism they raise as well as for the light they shed on the evolution of Rawls's views. Some of the articles tackle issues not addressed in either book. They help identify some of the paths open to liberal theorists of justice and some of the knotty problems which liberal theorists must seek to resolve. A complete collection of John Rawls's essays is long overdue.
In Defense of Legal Positivism de Matthew H. KramerIn Defense of Legal Positivism is an uncompromising defence of legal positivism that insists on the separability of law and morality. After distinguishing among three facets of morality, Matthew Kramer explores a variety of ways in which law has been perceived as integrally connected to eachof those facets.Some of the chapters pose arguments against other major theorists such as David Lyons, Lon Fuller, Joseph Raz, Michael Detmold, Ronald Dworkin, Nigel Simmonds, John Finnis, Philip Soper, neil McCormick, gerald Postema, Stephen Perry, and Michael Moore, while others extend rather than defend legalpositivism; they refine the insights of legal positivism and develop the implications of those insights in strikingly novel directions. The book concludes with a detailed discussion of the obligation to obey the lae- a discussion that highlights the strengths of legal positivism in the domain ofpolitical philosophy as much as in the domain of jurisprudence.
Cota: H0102-1464
ISBN: 9780199264834
Data: 2003-05-22
Where Law and Morality Meet de Matthew H. KramerHow are law and morality connected, how do they interact, and in what ways are they distinct? These questions have been a fundamental concern in the modern analytic philosophy of law. In Where Law and Morality Meet Matthew Kramer reviews the most influential accounts of legal and moralreasoning and presents his own conception of whether moral principles should be incorporated into a concept of law.In Part One, Kramer argues that moral principles can enter into the law of any jurisdiction. He contends that legal officials can invoke moral principles as laws for resolving disputes, and that they can also invoke them as threshold tests which ordinary laws must satisfy. In opposition to manyother theorists, Kramer argues that these functions of moral principles are consistent with the essential characteristics of any legal system.Part Two reaffirms the legal positivist argument that law and morality are separable, arguing against the position of natural-law theory, which portrays legal requirements as a species of moral requirements. Kramer contends that even though the existence of a legal system in any sizeable society isessential for the realization of fundamental moral values, law is not inherently moral either in its effects or in its motivational underpinnings.In the final part, Kramer contests the widespread view that people whose conduct is meticulously careful cannot be held morally responsible for harmful effects of their actions. Through this argument, he reveals that fault-independent liability is present even more prominently in morality than inthe law.
Cota: H0102-1465
ISBN: 9780199546138
Data: 2004
Law As a Moral Idea de Nigel SimmondsThis book argues that the institutions of law, and the structures of legal thought, are to be understood by reference to a moral ideal. The idea of law is an ideal of freedom, or independence from the power of others. The moral value and justificatory force of law are not contingent uponcircumstance, but intrinsic to its character as law. Doctrinal legal arguments are shaped by rival conceptions of the conditions for realisation of the idea of law.In making these claims, the author rejects the viewpoint of much contemporary legal theory, and seeks to move jurisprudence closer to an older tradition of philosophical reflection upon law, exemplified by Hobbes and Kant. Modern analytical jurisprudence has tended to view these older philosophiesas confused precisely in so far as they equate an understanding of law's nature with a revelation of its moral basis. According to most contemporary legal theorists, the understanding and analysis of existing institutions is quite distinct from any enterprise of moral reflection. But therelationship between ideals and practices is much more intimate than this approach would suggest. Some institutions can be properly understood only when they are viewed as imperfect attempts to realise moral or political ideals; and some ideals can be conceived only by reference to their expressionin institutions.
Cota: H0102-1466
ISBN: 9780199552191
Data: 2008-10-15
Naturalizing Jurisprudence de Brian LeiterBrian Leiter is widely recognized as the leading philosophical interpreter of the jurisprudence of American Legal Realism, as well as the most influential proponent of the relevance of the naturalistic turn in philosophy to the problems of legal philosophy. This volume collects newly revisedversions of ten of his best-known essays, which set out his reinterpretation of the Legal Realists as prescient philosophical naturalists; critically engage with jurisprudential responses to Legal Realism, from legal positivism to Critical Legal Studies; connect the Realist program to themethodology debate in contemporary jurisprudence; and explore the general implications of a naturalistic world view for problems about the objectivity of law and morality. Leiter has supplied a lengthy new introductory essay, as well as postscripts to several of the essays, in which he responds tochallenges to his interpretive and philosophical claims by academic lawyers and philosophers.This volume will be essential reading for anyone interested in jurisprudence, as well as for philosophers concerned with the consequences of naturalism in moral and legal philosophy.
Gerechtigkeit - Theorie und Praxis. Justice - Theory and Practice de Shing-I Liu (Editor); Ulfrid Neumann (Editor)Das Thema "Gerechtigkeit" wird traditionell unter dem Gesichtspunkt der richtigen Definition des Begriffs erortert. Auf die Frage "Was ist Gerechtigkeit?" lassen sich aber nur sehr allgemeine Antworten geben. Die Beitrage in diesem Band setzen demgegenuber bei konkreten Problemen an. Es geht beispielsweise um den "gerechten" Krieg, um globale Gerechtigkeit oder um die Frage, ob Gerechtigkeit auch durch eine "nutzlose" Schadigung von Personen (z.B. durch Strafe) hergestellt werden darf. Der Band enthalt die Vortrage einer internationalen Tagung, die unter dem Thema "Gerechtigkeit - Theorie und Praxis" ("Justice - Theory and Practice") vom 25. bis 27. Mai 2009 in Taipei (Taiwan) stattfand. Die Tagung hatte sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das Problem der Gerechtigkeit in Hinblick auf die Umsetzung anerkannter Kriterien der Gerechtigkeit in der staatlichen und internationalen Rechtspraxis zu untersuchen. Mehrere Beitrage widmen sich der hochst aktuellen Frage, inwieweit ein politischer Systemwechsel die Gerechtigkeitsstandards der Rechtsprechung verandert. Einige Beitrage befassen sich speziell mit dem Problem der Gerechtigkeit in der Rechtsphilosophie Arthur Kaufmanns, dessen Andenken die Tagung gewidmet war.
Cota: H0102-1475
ISBN: 9783832962968
Data: 2011-01-19
Outlines of the Philosophy of Right de T. M. Knox; Stephen Houlgate; G. W. F. Hegel'What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational.' Hegel's Outlines of the Philosophy of Right is one of the greatest works of moral, social, and political philosophy. It contains significant ideas on justice, moral responsibility, family life, economic activity, and the political structure of the state - all matters of profound interest to us today. Hegel's aim is to lay out the various forms that human freedom must take on, if it is to be true freedom. He seeks to show that genuine human freedom does not consist in doing whatever we please, but involves living with others in accordance with publicly recognized rights and laws. Hegel demonstrates that institutions such as the family and the state provide the context in which individuals can flourish and enjoy full freedom. He also demonstrates that misunderstanding the true nature of freedom can lead to crime, evil, and poverty. His penetrating analysis of the causes of poverty in modern civil society was to be a great influence on Karl Marx. Hegel's study remains one of the most subtle and perceptive accounts of freedom that we possess. This new edition combines a revised translation with a cogent introduction to his work.
Cota: H0102-1476
ISBN: 978-0-19-280610-9
Data: 2008-08-15
The Philosophy of Positive Law de James Bernard MurphyIn this first book-length study of positive law, James Bernard Murphy rewrites central chapters in the history of jurisprudence by uncovering a fundamental continuity among four great legal philosophers: Plato, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes, and John Austin. In their theories of positive law, Murphy argues, these thinkers represent successive chapters in a single fascinating story.That story revolves around a fundamental ambiguity: is law positive because it is deliberately imposed (as opposed to customary law) or because it lacks moral necessity (as opposed to natural law)? These two senses of positive law are not coextensive yet the discourse of positive law oscillates unstably between them. What, then, is the relation between being deliberately imposed and lacking moral necessity? Murphy demonstrates how the discourse of positive law incorporates both normative and descriptive dimensions of law, and he discusses the relation of positive law not only to jurisprudence but also to the philosophy of language, ethics, theories of social order, and biblical law.
Cota: H0102-1477
ISBN: 0300107889
Data: 2005-09-07
Christian Thomasius (1655-1728) : Wegbereiter moderner Rechtskultur und Juristenausbildung : Rechtswissenschaftliches Symposium zu seinem 350. Geburtstag an der Juristischen Fakultät der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg de herausgegeben von Heiner LückDer Band vereinigt die Beiträge einer von der Juristischen Fakultät der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg veranstalteten Konferenz, welche Christian Thomasius, dem Mitbegründer der europäischen Frühaufklärung, aus Anlaß seines 350. Geburtstages gewidmet war. Im Mittelpunkt stehen wichtige Aspekte seines juristischen Wirkens. Anliegen des Bandes ist es, die weitreichenden Ideen des Christian Thomasius auf dem Gebiet der Rechtswissenschaft sowie der Juristenausbildung zu konturieren und in einen größeren wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontext zu stellen. Unter den 20 Autoren sind Juristen, Philosophen und Germanisten vertreten. Nachdem in den letzten Jahrzehnten die große Gelehrtenpersönlichkeit von philosophischer und literaturwissenschaftlicher Seite auf namhaften Tagungen und in entsprechenden Publikationen gewürdigt worden ist, liegt nunmehr ein Band vor, welcher die juristisch-rechtsphilosophischen Wirkungen des Jubilars auf der Grundlage des aktuellen Forschungsstandes in den Blick nimmt. Hervorhebung verdienen die Fortsetzung der Thomasius-Bibliographie und das ausführliche Register am Ende des Bandes. This volume brings together the papers from a conference organised by the law faculty of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and devoted to Christian Thomasius, one of the founders of the early European Enlightenment, on the 350th anniversary of his birth. The focus is on important aspects of his legal influence. The aim of the book is to outline the far-reaching ideas of Thomasius in the field of jurisprudence and on the education of lawyers, and to place these in a wider context of intellectual history. The 20 authors include lawyers, philosophers and Germanists. After the many appraisals of this important scholar from philosophical or literary perspectives in recent decades at significant conferences and in accompanying publications, now we at last have a volume which examines his influence on law and jurisprudence on the basis of the latest research. Particularly worthy of note are the continuation of the Thomasius Bibliography and the extensive index at the end of the volume
Cota: H0102-1483
ISBN: 978-3-487-13300-3
Data: 2006
Direito e moral de Jürgen HabermasRetiradas dos trabalhos preparatórios para Direito e Democracia, onde Habermas desenvolve a sua filosofia do direito, estas duas conferências sobre a relação entre o direito e a moral inscrevem-se no contexto de um debate sobre a sociedade moderna. Contestando o cepticismo de Max Weber quanto ao destino dos valores numa sociedade que tende a reservar-lhes, apenas, um papel instrumental, a primeira conferência procura demonstrar que a legalidade do direito deve, sempre, a sua legalidade ao facto de as normas jurídicas serem racionais, sobretudo devido ao seu fundamento moral. A segunda conferência critica a teoria dos sistemas de Niklas Luhmann e procura mostrar que, a despeito da complexidade dos sistemas sociais modernos, a ideia de Estado de direito não perde aí, de forma alguma, o seu sentido normativo. O constrangimento de uma exposição oral e o facto de estas conferências se dirigirem originalmente a um público estudantil americano fazem deste pequeno livro uma obra excepcional e uma síntese completamente preciosa
Abhandlungen Zur Rechtssoziologie de Manfred RehbinderDie Ausgabe der Rechtssoziologischen Schriften von Manfred Rehbinder aus Anlaß seines 60. Geburtstages faßt seine wichtigsten Beiträge zu Methoden- und Grundsatzfragen der Rechtssoziologie zusammen. Seine Orientierung an den großen Traditionslinien der Rechtssoziologie und eine vergleichende Rechtssoziologie geben immer wieder Anlaß zu kritischer Mahnung, die von intellektuellem Humanismus und vom Streben nach sozialer Gerechtigkeit getragen ist. Unter diesem Blickwinkel einer kritischen Rechtssoziologie findet manche methodische Strömung ihre berechtigte Kritik. Ein weiteres Leitmotiv ist die interdisziplinäre Kooperation zwischen Rechtssoziologie, Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtsdogmatik. Die Erkenntnisgrenzen der einzelnen Disziplinen werden abgesteckt und zugleich die Erkenntnismöglichkeiten des interdisziplinären Dialogs nachgezeichnet.Die Beiträge zu den klassischen rechtssoziologischen Themen sind von bleibender Aktualität. Dies gilt nicht nur für die Pluralismus- und Demokratietheorie oder für Ursachen und Bekämpfung der Diskriminierung, die jüngst wieder zu einem bedrängenden politischen Thema wurde. Umgekehrt gilt auch: Die modernen Fragestellungen, etwa des Zugangs zum Recht in der Prozeßsoziologie, die den Arbeiten von Manfred Rehbinder wesentliche Anregungen verdankt, werden vor dem Hintergrund der historisch bewährten rechtssoziologischen Methode entwickelt. Darüber hinaus finden sich grundsätzliche Anregungen für eine Verfassungssoziologie, die Grundlage der Verfassungsdogmatik zu sein hat. In der Tat führt eine Rechtsfindung, die auf die Einbeziehung der Erkenntnisse der Rechtssoziologie verzichtet, zu verfehlten Formen der Gefühlsjurisprudenz. Die anthropologischen Wurzeln der Grundrechte bei der Grundrechtsdogmatik, die rechtspsychologischen Voraussetzungen des Vertrauens in die Rechtssätze bei der Rückwirkungsdogmatik, die Bestimmung der Grenzen der Privatautonomie zwischen Freiheit und Pflicht zu sozialer Kooperation oder die soziologischen Grundlagen der Fehlentwicklung der modernen repräsentativen Demokratie liefern der Fortentwicklung des Verfassungsrechts, aber auch der politischen Praxis Anlaß für ein Überdenken überkommener Positionen.Neben diesen Grundsatzfragen ist die Praxisorientierung ein wichtiges Leitmotiv des rechtssoziologischen Werkes von Manfred Rehbinder. Ein Vermessen sozialer Felder mit ihren rechtlichen Regelungen, Machtkonstellationen, Verhaltensweisen, Konflikten und Erwartungen bildet die feste Basis für Reformvorschläge. Keine soziologische Theorie der Rechtsentwicklung um der "großen", und damit die bunte Landkarte der Realität aus den Augen verlierenden Theorie willen, sondern soziologische Theorie für die Praxis des Rechts, ebenso für die Dogmatik wie für die Rechtspolitik, ist das Anliegen.
João Baptista Machado : obra dispersaVol. 1: Com prefácio do Prof. Doutor Rui Manuel Moura Ramos. - 1991. - 867 p
Vol. 2: Filosofia do direito, direito público, outros. - 1993. - 553 p